Regional office

(FR, NE, JU, Bern West)


Die Dargebotene Hand Nordwest
2501 Biel

032 322 08 38

IBAN CH45 0900 0000 2500 0830 0

Our Team

Christophe Amstutz

Head of operations

Franziska Kramer


Kim Leite

Education and training

Anne-Sophie Ledermann


Our association

Board members

Charles Juillard

Elisabeth Kaufmann

Vice president

Marc-André Gagnebin


Patricia Zwahlen

Thomas Kunz

Benjamin Stupan

Barbara von Mérey

Vertretung Röm. kath. Landeskirche

Stephan Schranz

Vertretung Ref. Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn

2 representatives of the volunteer team

35 Alter Mann im Garten Telefon 1.jpg 1

Regional office Northwest

Together we are strong


Next training courses

There are currently no training courses planned. If you are interested, please contact us.

Conversation skills courses for externals

There are currently no training courses planned. If you are interested, please contact us.

Sponsors & Ambassadors

In addition to many private donors, we are also supported by Protestant Reformed and Catholic parishes, political communities, foundations and associations. We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts! We would also like to mention the following additional contributions:

  • Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Integrationsdirektion, Kanton Bern
  • Amt für soziale Sicherheit, Kanton Solothurn
  • République et Canton du Jura
  • Reformierte Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Synodalverband
  • Loterie romande
  • Römisch-Katholische Landeskirche, Kanton Bern
