- Help
- Help
- Contact options
- How we support you
- Anonymity, confidentiality, data protection
- Who do we support
- Your feedback
- Participate
A conversation often helps
We are there for you by phone every evening. You remain anonymous and we treat everything you share with us confidentially.Seeking help is a sign of strength
No matter what is on your mind, we will listen to you with empathy. All topics are welcome: you will find understanding and an open ear. Our trained volunteers connect with you as human beings and offer help for self-help.
Contact by phone
Sometimes it takes courage to talk to a stranger. But you will find out: Talking helps and relieves.
The English line is available on 0800 143 000 daily from 6pm to 11pm. If our volunteers are occupied, you will be asked to call again later.
If you speak German, French or Italian, you may also try to call 143. It’s open 7/24.
Contact by chat
Some people find it difficult to talk. Our volunteers will help you to share your thoughts discreetly and in writing.
Unfortunately, chatting in English is not possible. If you speak German or French, our chat window is open daily. The Italian-language chat has varying opening hours. Please check the corresponding language page for exact opening hours.
If the chat is busy, you will receive a message. Please try again later. As demand is high, it often takes a little patience.
Contact by mail
Would you like to deepen your thoughts and share them with us in more detail? Write us an email. We will accompany you in your process.
We are sorry that emailing in English is not possible. For all that speak German or French, we offer to answer your mail within 48 hours. There is no counselling by mail in Italian either. Please check the corresponding language page for further information.
For email consultation, you will create a personal, anonymous login with a username and a password.
Anonymity and confidentiality
With us you remain anonymous. We work without caller ID. You can trust us because what you tell us is treated highly confidential. Read more about this: Anonymity, confidentiality, data protection.
Costs and accessibility
All our services are free of charge. The English-line number 0800 143 000 is only valid in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. If you call Tel 143, connection fees may apply depending on your telephone provider.
We speak English in the evenings. Just call 0800 143 000. If you call 143, we will speak German, French and Italian, depending on the region from which you call us.
Terms of use
By using our services, you confirm that you have read and accepted the Terms of use.