Donations for Geneva

Your donation will make a significant contribution to the continued existence and development of The majority of your donation will go towards training and supporting the volunteers who help people by phone, chat or email.

You have the following donation options:

Online via TWINT

Via E-Banking

With QR payment slip

Online donations are subject to a fee of 5%. Deductions are also due for payments at the post office counter. Help us to cover these. You can compensate for this by increasing your donation or avoid it altogether by donating via e-banking.

Via E-Banking

IBAN CH49 0900 0000 1201 3454 0
To the attention of: – La Main Tendue, Case postale, 1211 Genève 4

With QR payment slip

Please contact us if you would like us to send you the QR payment slip by post.

Contact regional office